Latest Collections


I am drawn to the assemblage of forms - the concept that each piece is greater than the sum of its parts. I am driven by the limitless combinations of my favourite shapes. Shapes that I have perfected over years of working with clay. Once troublesome to make in ceramic, now second nature, I have persisted with complexity that pushes the form, the clay and the glaze. In isolation, my shapes are vaguely familiar as domestic objects but once assembled they resemble something entirely different - marine archeological finds, scientific instruments, spiritual totems, flowering plants or even children’s toys. I create them intuitively, guided by the clay and my subconscious.


Photo: Charlie Hawks for CRAFT Victoria


Get a grip

Coming to Michael Reid Northern Beaches late 2021.



Exclusively for SIBU Gallery. This limited collection comprises seven pieces, hand-built using glazes and gold, and fired three times to achieve truly distinctive results.


‘Antoinette Ferwerda’

Melbourne’s beloved Antoinette Ferwerda Gallery (AFG) is now showing a limited collection of unique, handmade ceramics.



Now available at the Michael Reid Gallery and Antoinette Ferwerda Gallery.

Created in the days, weeks, and months after the Victorian state was brought to an unimaginable standstill, Kristy found solace in the creative process. As the privilege of leaving Melbourne became further out of reach, the yearning to escape grew even stronger. 

Kristy’s desire to search for a time or place beyond COVID-19 manifested in the creation of unique, ceramic vessels - referencing satellite dishes, telescopes, and searchlights. Perhaps an unexpected depiction of anxiety, one that harks back to this artist’s scientific background. Searching for a logical escape from an illogical scenario. Searching for an answer to the unanswerable. The result is a collection that’s both beautifully inspired and unique.



Sold out.